Negosyo Now Recipe: Blue Lemonade
Blue Lemonade for Your Business
May 02, 2020
Blue Lemonade

Add Blue Lemonade to your menu, it's so easy! It's the perfect drink to partner with your rice meals, burgers or even pica pica snacks! Make sure your restaurant, milk tea shop, coffee shop or canteen has a consistent supplier of this refreshing drink!

What makes lemonade so satisfying? Trivia: Sour drinks like Lemonade stimulate salivation more than any other taste. Make your customers salivate over your menu by partnering this with your yummy meals! Just follow these steps!


  • 60g Blue Lemonade Powder  
  • 1L Water
  • Ice


  1. Mix
    • Pour 60g of Blue Lemonade powder in 1L of water
  2. Stir
    • Stir until Blue Lemonade powder dissolves
  3. Add ice

Make sure to serve immediately, your customers will surely love it! Shop now or you can order through +639176218246 and make your restaurant, food cart, milk tea shop, restaurant or coffee shop more exciting with new menus!